In Writing…

Clicking on the following link takes you to a Congressional web site for the Congressional Oversight Hearing- Videos and Testimony in Writing on - Are Government Contractors Exploiting Workers Overseas?  Examining Enforcement of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. -

Clicking on the following link takes you to the New Yorker magazine’s web site for the article:
The Invisible Army

Clicking on the following link takes you to the Chicago Tribune web site article:
Iraq Contractors Ordered to End Abuses

Clicking on the following link takes you to a summary of the Victims of Complacency Report compiled by Yale Law School & the ACLU:
Report from Yale Human Rights Clinic Finds U.S. Government Contractors Continue to Traffic and Abuse Foreign Workers in Iraq and Afghanistan - Yale Law School

Cut and Paste the following link into your browser. It takes you to the full report mentioned above: Victims of Complacency researched and compiled by Yale Law School and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
hrp_traffickingreport_web_0.pdf (

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Get in touch with us at Abolere if you:
1) Worked on a U.S. government contract and believe you were mistreated.
2) Witnessed or know of workers who are being or have been mistreated in U.S. government contracts.
3) Would like to share your knowledge or opinion concerning this matter.
4) Want to volunteer, have an idea or wish to donate in honor of someone.

* It helps if you provide at least two methods of contacting you. For example, an email address AND your WhatsApp or other telephone number.  

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